At Cyber Seven, we prioritize providing a smooth and secure shopping experience. Please read our payment policy carefully to understand the options and processes available for your transactions.

Accepted Payment Methods

  1. Cash on Delivery (COD)
    • You can choose to pay for your order when it is delivered to your doorstep.
    • Please ensure you have the exact amount in cash as our delivery personnel may not always carry change.
  2. Credit/Debit Card Payments
    • We accept payments via major credit and debit cards. All online transactions are processed through a secure payment gateway, ensuring that your details are encrypted and protected.
    • Upon successful payment, you will receive an email confirmation with the order details.

Refund and Return Policy

If you are not satisfied with your purchase or the product you received is damaged, you are entitled to a return and refund under the following conditions:

  • Returns:
    Customers may return products within the specified return period as per our Return Policy.
  • Refund Process:
    Once the returned item has been inspected and approved, we will process your refund.
  • Refund Timeline:
    Refunds will be credited back to your original payment method (Credit Card) or via bank transfer if the order was paid via Cash on Delivery. Please note that it may take up to 14 working days for the refunded amount to reflect in your account.

Payment Security

At Cyber Seven, we ensure that your payment information is secure. Our website uses encryption technologies to safeguard your data. We do not store any credit card information on our servers, and all transactions are processed through trusted, third-party payment gateways.

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues with payments or refunds, feel free to contact our support team: